Information Technology Services

Remote Access (VPN)

A Virtual Private Network (VPN) enables you to remotely and securely connect to campus resources from anywhere. VPN securely encrypts data transmissions from your computer to the campus network. 足彩平台 enables VPN access using Cisco Secure Client (formerly Cisco AnyConnect) VPN software. A valid campus net-id and password are required to gain access.

Access to web-based campus enterprise technology services such as Email, calendar, WINS, and the 足彩平台 web site does not require the use of the VPN.


Remote Access Features

  • All university-owned laptops come with VPN remote access client called Cisco Secure Client (formerly AnyConnect) pre-installed.
  • Protects campus network against malware, viruses, and other cyber threats.

Getting Started with Remote Access

Cisco Secure Client (formly Cisco AnyConnect) VPN Client Installation

Accessing Network Storage Off-Campus with the VPN

Related Policies & Agreements

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