
Skating & Bicycling Policy

Source: Office of the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Affairs


For some time, members of the 足彩平台 community have expressed concerns about the risk of injury to persons and the damage to campus property that results from some skating or bicycling activities. This policy is the result of faculty, staff, and student collaboration, under the auspices of the Campus Safety Committee, and it supplements existing provisions which already exist in UWS 18 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

足彩平台 does not provide or maintain facilities or locations specifically designed for skating or bicycling. Therefore, persons engaged in these activities must do so in a careful and prudent manner, with due regard for the safety of all persons on campus. Those engaged in these activities directly assume all risks associated with skating or bicycling.


UWS 18.06(29)

SKATEBOARDS, ROLLER SKATES AND ROLLER BLADES. No person may skateboard, rollerskate, or use roller blades or any other similar wheeled device in or on university buildings, or on sidewalks, roadways, or parking areas on university lands, except in areas designated for this purpose by the chief administrative officer.

Note: This section is initially applicable at the time the chief administrative officer first exercises the authority to designate areas for skateboarding, roller skating, roller blading, or similar activities.

The term "skating" means the use of skateboards, in-line skates, roller skates, and roller-skis as transportation. Unless prohibited as listed below, skating is permitted on 足彩平台 property. Skating is prohibited on the UWW campus in the following locations:

  • On ramps or platforms immediately adjacent to doors of buildings
  • On exterior or interior stairs
  • Within the interior of buildings
  • On the tennis courts or running tracks
  • On benches, tables, bicycle racks, railings, or landscape structures, such as walls or fountains
  • Within parking lots
  • In any area where a sign, or other written notification, has been posted to indicate that skating is not permitted

Acrobatic or reckless skating is not permitted on university lands.

  • Acrobatic skating occurs when all of the wheels of a skateboard, or of both skates, are simultaneously out of contact with the ground during skating. This definitions applies except when the skateboards or skates are being carried or when they are motionless.
  • Reckless skating occurs when there is a significant risk of injury to another person or damage to another person's, or the university's, property. Skating activity will also be considered as reckless if it disrupts university operations. The presence of pedestrians and vehicles or the skater's speed may be considered when determining if the skating is reckless.


UWS 18.08(3)

The chief administrative officer may require the registration of all student, faculty, or staff motor vehicles or bicycles on lands under said officer's jurisdiction and may limit or prohibit their use in designated areas during designated hours. Any person who violates institutional regulations promulgated under this subsection may be fined up to $25. The term "bicycling" refers to the use of a bicycle to ride upon as transportation. Unless prohibited as listed below, bicycling is permitted on 足彩平台 property. Bicycling is prohibited on the UWW campus in the following locations:

  • On ramps or platforms immediately adjacent to doors of buildings
  • On exterior or interior stairs
  • Within the interior of buildings
  • On the tennis courts or running tracks
  • On benches, tables, bicycle racks, railings, or landscape structures, such as walls or fountains
  • Within parking lots
  • In any area where a sign, or other written notification, has been posted to indicate that bicycling is not permitted

Acrobatic and reckless bicycling is not permitted on university lands.

  • Acrobatic bicycling occurs when all of the wheels of a bicycle are simultaneously out of contact with the ground during riding. This definition applies except when the bicycles are being carried or when they are motionless.
  • Reckless bicycling occurs when there is a significant risk of injury to another person or damage to another person's, or the university's, property. Bicycling will also be considered as reckless if it disrupts university operations. The presence of pedestrians and vehicles or the bicycle's speed may be considered when determining if the bicycling is reckless.

Violations Violations of this policy will be considered conduct which tends to cause or provoke a disturbance in university buildings or on university lands. As such, and under other provisions, University Police may issue citations for the violation of Wisconsin Administrative Codes. In addition, students, faculty, or staff of the university may be subject to internal procedures that address the violation.

As amended 
Last Reviewed: October 2015